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cover shot
Birmingham Parent magazine

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


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Who says nothing is free?

Stay-at-Home Dads

I recently received this e-mail and permission to share it on the blog:

Hi Carol,
> I love Birmingham Parent magazine! I saw in your most recent issue the
> article about Organized Playgroups. There are so many options out there for
> stay-at-home moms, but what about stay-at-home dads? My husband is a new
> stay-at-home dad to our almost 8-month old daughter. We've been keeping on
> eye out for a dads group - or just a general playgroup open to either
> parent. Have you heard of any such groups? It would be great to see an
> article about stay-at-home dads and how they can get involved in a future
> issue of Birmingham Parent!
> Thanks!
> Erika Cagle

We're BACK!

Yes, I bet you thought our blog had died a slow death. It almost did. It's been nearly a year since a post was made. But we're revived, and back!

Still,I need your help! For the blog to be a success, please let me know what YOU want to discuss. I welcome your comments, questions, criticisms, whatever. This blog is for Birmingham-area parents to have an open forum to discuss.

Let us hear from you!!!

Carol Evans