By Todd Patkin, Guest Blogger
Every few months,
it seems, there’s another headline about the death of a child or teen as the
result of bullying. That’s terrifying, and it’s also unacceptable. To some
extent we expect to hear about
economic woes, political strife, and natural disasters. We don’t expect to hear about the premature (and preventable) deaths
of our young people. And we shouldn’t have to. It’s past time for America to
realize that bullying is “the” problem of our day, and for parents and
educators to lead the revolution on stopping this dangerous behavior.
If you’re
skeptical, consider the following statistics from
- Almost 30 percent of young people participate in bullying behaviors or are bullying victims.
- Every day, around 160,000 students do not attend school because they are afraid of being bullied.
- Young people who have been bullied are two to nine times likelier than their nonbullied peers to consider suicide.
To put it bluntly, what we’re doing to combat
bullying clearly isn’t working. Suicides are still happening, and that’s not
even mentioning the thousands of kids whose lives are destroyed or diminished—but
not ended—by bullying.
Yes, bullying is a big
know from personal experience just how devastating bullying can be. Being the
target of several tormenters filled my high school years with much anxiety, and
the effects of being bullied lasted into my adulthood.
tormenters verbally abused me, and they would also push me around and knock my
books or drinks out of my hands. They caused me to often dread coming to school
or attending social functions. My confidence and self-esteem took a huge hit.
And looking back, I believe that the negative self-image bullying cultivated
lasted well into my adult years and contributed to the anxiety and depression
from which I suffered.
not alone either. In fact, research has shown that the fear, social anxiety,
shame, low self-esteem, and anger that bullying causes can rear their heads
throughout adulthood, often at crucial moments, causing individuals who were
once bullied to stick with “easy,” “safe,” or “defensive” choices instead of
those that might prove most beneficial. There are definitive links between
childhood bullying and adult depression. Being bullied can also lead to anger
management problems and aggression in adulthood.
importance of combating and preventing bullying should be obvious. By
preventing a young person from being bullied, we may be freeing him or her from
a lifetime of feeling inadequate and being haunted by horrible memories. We may
even be saving a life.
So, why isn’t the current approach working?
Yes, bullying has
gotten a lot of media attention, and as a result, schools and communities are
providing more and more resources for bullied kids. They’re encouraging victims
to reach out for help, and they’re also instituting zero-tolerance policies
aimed at the bullies themselves. But too many victims are still slipping
through the cracks. Why? I believe we’re putting too much responsibility on the
young people we’re trying to protect.
Schools put out a
lot of rhetoric on dealing with and preventing bullying, but the problem is
still rampant. That’s because our current approach revolves around requiring
kids to tell on each other—and it’s not as effective as we hoped. For several
reasons, young people just aren’t reporting the bullies.
First of all, kids
who are being bullied often lack the self-esteem and confidence to stand up for
themselves and let adults know what’s happening. They also worry that turning a
tormentor in will make them new targets, or intensify the former level of
I certainly didn’t
ask teachers or my parents for any help when I was in high school because I was
so ashamed of my weakness in dealing with my bullies. Also, I was afraid that
if my teachers or parents stepped in, their interference would just make my
tormenters focus their efforts on me more. I’d be even more on the outside
because I’d ratted out my peers.
I believe that
many young people today feel just as powerless to speak up and “out” bullies—and
I also point out that repercussions for them could be worse than those I might
have faced due to cyberbullying. In other words, today’s bullies aren’t forced
to stop once the school bell rings—their vicious and hurtful behavior can
continue 24/7 thanks to social media sites, texting, and emails.
How much longer
are we going to let this problem go on? Are we going to continue to allow more
kids to become victims because, like I was, they’re too scared to speak up? Not
on my watch!
Here’s what our goal should be.
We need to spark a
culture-wide revolution to make bullying uncool—in fact, unacceptable! There
needs to be a palpable stigma attached to tormenting and belittling another
person in this way.
compare the bullying problem to drunk driving. Once upon a time, getting behind
the wheel after a few alcoholic beverages was fairly common and casual, and was
not seen as “that big of a deal”—just
as, until recently, bullying was seen as “a part of kids growing up.”
Then an
organization called Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) took up the cause and
dramatically changed the way in which Americans viewed drunk driving. Through
publicity campaigns and a grassroots movement, MADD caused the public to view
driving while intoxicated as something that is reprehensible, irresponsible,
dangerous, and even criminal. MADD’s efforts also helped to enact stronger
penalties against drunk drivers.
Similarly, bullies
need to lose the ‘cool’ image that comes with being at the top of the social
pecking order. The public—adults and kids alike—needs to view bullying as
something that brands you with a modern-day scarlet letter. Our current
zero-tolerance policies are a good start, but we need to add another prong to
our anti-bullying approach. In short, parents have to lead the way (along with
other students) to say that we are no longer going to accept this behavior. It
has to start in your house.
What can parents do to change things?
We as parents need
to be more proactive in raising kids who are not bullies. If young people see
bullying as something to avoid at all costs—something that they don’t want to participate
in or allow to happen—we’ll be directly attacking the problem instead of
treating the symptoms. Over time, this attitude will spread and will hopefully
become just as ingrained in the public psyche as our negative views on drunk
driving. The best news is, getting started is pretty simple.
First, have
the bullying talk. Talk to your kids about bullying, just as you would
have the drug talk or the drunk driving talk. Most parents don’t directly
address this topic, perhaps because nobody ever thinks it’s their kids. (Admit it; you’ve thought
something along the lines of, My child
would never make fun of someone just
to be mean.) And as a result, many kids don’t have a full understanding of
how serious bullying and its effects can be. It’s important to be specific in
defining what bullying is (make sure your child knows that it can include
physical abuse, verbal taunting, online harassment, or even passing on a
hurtful message or rumor), and to explain just how damaging certain words and
actions can be to others—even if your child didn’t “mean” them or think they
would have a lasting impact.
You should also
make a point to explain that when someone commits suicide because of bullying, many lives are ruined. As a parent, you
don’t want a young person’s death on your head, or on that of your child.
I am also adamant
if your child is caught bullying, you must take it very, very seriously. If
you caught your child lying or stealing, you’d come down hard, right? You definitely wouldn’t brush off the behavior
as “just a stage.” You’d do whatever was necessary to nip it in the bud. Treat
bullying the same way.
I’m not here to
tell you how to punish your child—consequences are your family’s business. Just
make sure that your child knows that bullying behaviors are not okay in your
family. Talk to him about why he reacted the way he did, why it was wrong, and
how he can better respond in the future.
Ultimately, this
is one social change that will happen because ordinary parents are purposeful
in how they’re raising their children. In the past, bullies have been seen as
“cool”—they’ve even been glamorized in popular culture thanks to movies like Mean Girls. We have the power and
responsibility to change this view, now that we fully understand the thousands
of lives that bullying affects every day. And that change must start now.
About the Author:
Todd Patkin
grew up in Needham, Massachusetts. After graduating from Tufts University,
he joined the family business and spent the next eighteen years helping to grow
it to new heights. After it was purchased by Advance Auto Parts in 2005, he was
free to focus on his main passions: philanthropy and giving back to the
community, spending time with family and friends, and helping more people learn
how to be happy. Todd lives with his wonderful wife, Yadira, their amazing son,
Josh, and two great dogs, Tucker and Hunter.
About the Book:
Finding Happiness: One
Man’s Quest to Beat Depression and Anxiety and—Finally—Let the Sunshine In (StepWise
Press, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-9658261-9-8, $19.95,
is available at bookstores nationwide, from major
online booksellers, and at