Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ways to Save Big This Week with Coupons!

By Becky J. Beall

I think many of you moms and dads are a lot like my family: hard-working, frugal, lots of mouths to feed and just plain love a good deal. Enter coupons. I fell in love with coupons long before they were cool or faddish, and I want to share details with you on how to stretch your grocery dollars, get stocked up and become a coupon diva like yours truly!

I don’t want to share EVERYTHING in one post because it would be so long and you would probably decide it was too much trouble. Instead, I’ll post one thing each week that will help you learn to coupon in real time.

Sunday papers are a great source of coupons so plan to start purchasing TWO per Sunday. Why two? Publix deals are usually B1G1 FREE (Buy One Get One) and they let you use ONE manufacturers coupon on each product, so you’ll always need two of each. NOTE: Dollar Tree sells Sunday papers for only $1 while supplies last. ONE MORE NOTE: When you pull the coupon inserts out of the paper, write in Sharpie on the cover the date (i.e. last Sunday I wrote 5/27 on the front of each insert)…this will help you learn how to identify where to find coupons later rather than spending hours clipping every coupon.

Also, that paper that appears in your Wednesday mail? It will have SmartSource coupon inserts…pull them out and be ready to save!

Target has frozen pizzas on sale this week (thru May 31st) B1G1 FREE, so it’s a great time to stock up with all of the kids home for summer break. It’s already a great deal at B1G1 FREE, but here are a couple of suggestions to help you save even more!

Market Pantry (Target brand) pizzas are awesome and included in the sale. They are already low priced at under $3/each (price varies from region to region, but $2.79 at my local Target) so with the B1G1 FREE deal, they will be only $2.79 for TWO or $1.40/each with no additional coupons needed!

How about DiGiorno? Buy two at $5.49/each (one will ring up FREE). Go to  and print two $1 off DiGiorno coupons. This will bring your cost down to $3.49 or $1.75/each!! I have read that some stores in some areas will only honor one coupon when one product is FREE, but you are “buying” two pizzas and are absolutely entitled to. Most of the Birmingham area stores will honor it. If not, you still have a great deal at $4.49 for two DiGiorno pizzas!

While you’re in Target, pick up some Mots for Tots 64 oz Apple Juice on sale (thru 6/21) for $2.35 and use this $1 off coupon to snag a great deal on juice! *Coupon:

*Please keep in mind, printable coupons are only available while supplies last, so if you see one you want (even if you aren’t using it today) go ahead and print in case it is gone when you do need it. Each printable coupon is available for two prints per computer. Print the first one, then click the back browser a couple of times (on my computer and most, it is three times) and the second one will print. I am so frugal that I flip the paper upside down to print the second one and not waste a full sheet of paper.

Until next time, happy saving!

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